Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 9

This week with the Quarterly I worked on pulling everything together with Dr. Murphree and Dr. Lester for the lecture this coming Monday. I am sure it will be a very successful event and we spent most of the week in preparation for it. I continued to do my other work for the Quarterly as well, continuing to edit articles and work on extending the database.

Week 8

This week with the Quarterly we are just a few weeks out from the Shofner Lecture and we are now beginning to finalize everything and get everything ready. I continue to do my work editing articles and am noticing that the work I am doing editing the articles is crossing over into my own work and helping me to evolve my writing style through seeing several different styles of writing being produced by professionals in the field. The database continues to grow and I am finding it harder and harder to find more professionals in the field of Florida History. I still maintain my goal of 100 and hope to achieve it by the end of the semester.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 7: Working towards the Guest Lecture

This week in the Quarterly I continued to work on editing articles for publication. The more I edit the more I realize that there really isn't a true set of rules as far as writing is concerned. In most regards there is an almost fluid set of concepts that can be formed into whatever particular style the author is writing. This really helps me in regards to my own work because it allows me to see professional writers and the many different styles that exist within the realm of academic writing in the field of History. Also I put together a program for the Florida Historical Quarterly's Jerrell Shofner Lecture Series that is coming up in a few weeks. This is just another aspect of the journal that I am learning how to do. I feel over the last few weeks I have been working to try and improve the accessibility to the Quarterly from the general public and that this will help the Quarterly in the long run.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 6

This week in my internship I continued to work on creating abstracts. In addition to this I created a database style organization for the abstracts to be stored in as there are a lot of them. This project is very interesting to me and there are discussions about how it could be used for a mapping project of the Florida Historical Quarterly. There are many different aspects involved in the publication of an academic journal and I am learning more and more about how it works. This internship is benefiting me in so many more ways than I expected.